1. Which one of the following is a pentose sugar? – Ribose.
2. The polysaccharide found in liver and muscles is – Glycogen.
3. For a human being 25-30% of total calories should come from – Fat.
4. Which one of the following is a disaccharide? – Maltose.
5. The process of clotting of blood is aided by – Vitamin K.
6. Dry, wrinkled and Keratinised cornea may be due to – Xeropthalmia.
7. The process of maturation of erythrocytes is due to – Vitamin B12.
8. Identify the mineral necessary for O2 transport in our body – Iron.
9. The only enzyme present in salivary juice is – Ptyalin.
10. In the stomach HCl is secreted by – Oxyntic cells.
11. The ulcer causing bacterium is called – Helicobacter pylori
12. Woman who had several pregnancies may be affected by – Femoral Hernia.
13. Excessive alcohol consumption may cause – Hepatitis.
14. How many bones are present in our body skeletal system? – 206.
15. Pathological fracture may be due to – Hyperparathyroidism.
16. The blood clot at the place of fracture form a – Haematoma.
17. Metabolic arthritis is due to the error of – Purine metabolism.
18. In adults Vit-D and calcium deficiency lead to? – Osteomalacia.
19. The constitution of skeletal muscles in our body is – 40%
20. Each muscle fibre is made up of thread like structure called – Myofibrils.
21. The thin filament of a band is – Actin.
22. The energy for muscle action is provided by – ATP molecules.
23. A few hours after death all the muscles of the body attain a state of contracture.
It is called as – Rigor mortis.
24. Which one of the following disease is considered as auto immune disease?
– Myasthenia Gravis.
25. The rate of diffusion of O2 and Co2 are in the ratio of – 1:10
26. The nerve that controls the respiratory process is – Vagus nerve.
27. Herring – Brueur reflex controls – Respiration.
28. Collection of fluids between the lungs and the chest wall is called – Pleural effusion.
29. The concept established by yoga is – Mind over Body.
30. The disease preumonia can be controlled by – Paracetamol
31. Which blood vessel begins the systemic circulation? – Aorta
32. The Sinu Atrial mode is situated in the wall of – Right atrium.
33. The dimensions of S.A. Node is – 1.5cm x 3mm
34. The blood flow between the right atrium and right ventricle is regulated by
– Tricuspid valve.
35. Increase in RBC leads to – Polycythemia.
36. Lack of blood supply to brain leads to – Stroke.
37. The normal blood pressure of a healthy man is – 120/80mm Hg
What is a cardiac cycle:The sequential events occurring from the initiation of one heart beat to the commencement of the next is called as one cardiac cycle.
The basic units of Nervous system are - Neurons.
Synapsis is – Junction between two neurons.
The diameter of synaptic cleft is – 10 – 20nm.
The ions involved in nerve conduction are – Na+ions, K+ions.
The transmitter substance at the synapse is – acetylcholine.
At the junction of two nerves lies a gap called – Synaptic cleft.
The electrical activity of the brain is recorded by – EEG.
The principal organ of urea biosynthesis is – liver
The structural and functional unit of kidney is – Nephron.
The biological filter is – Malpighian body.
The Kidneys normally receive an abundant blood supply of about – 1200ml / min.
During ornithine cycle – NH3 is converted into urea.
The total Volume of glomerular filtrate in 24 hours is – 170 to 180 lit.
The high threshold substance in excretion is – Urea.
The low threshold substance in excretion is – Glucose
Reabsorption takes place in – Uriniferous tubules.
The amount of water excreted in each day is – 1-2Lit.
The amount of water filtered by kidney is – 180 lit / day.
What is malpighian organ?
Malpighian body comprises Bowman’s capsule and glomeruli. Ultra filtration of blood takes place in the malpighian body which act as a biological filter.
What are the components of Urine?
In Urine there are 96% water, 2% Urea and 2% Metabolic products.
What is renal failure?
The reduction in the ability of the Kidney to filter waste product from blood to excrete them in the urine is called renal failure.
What is dialysis?
Dialysis involves a technique used for removing waste products from the blood and excess fluid from the body as a treatment for kidney failure. It is also called as artificial kidney.